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July Membership Meeting, July 18

[ 0 ] July 10, 2024

Please join us for our July Membership meeting, July 18, 6.30 chats and snacks, 7pm meeting

Video Link to online meeting:

We will present the slate for the 2024-5 Executive Board and vote on it.
The Slate: President: Kateri …

3 Civic Associations Letter on the closing of Crystal Underground

[ 0 ] July 9, 2024

Attached is a letter from the 3 civic associations, ARCA, AHCA and Crystal City to JBG Smith on its planned closing of the Crystal Undercround, dated May 10, 2024.

TO_ Matt Kelly, CEO JBGS-2

Population & Demographic Estimates Dashboard, Arlington Ridge

[ 0 ] July 6, 2024

Community Planning Housing and Development

2024 Edition of Population and Demographic Estimates dashboard.

Select Civic Association under “Start Here”  Arlington Ridge…

Letter from 3 Civic Associations on VDOT Rt.1 Phase 2 Draft Report, School Board

[ 0 ] July 6, 2024

Joint letter to the Virginia Dept. of Transportation’s Rt. 1 Multimodal Improvements Study

Attached is the letter from Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands and Crystal City Civic Associations to the Virginia Dept of Transportation opposing its VDOT Phase 2 Draft Report.

A Temporary Bike Park in James Haley Park? Deadline July 1

[ 10 ] June 20, 2024

UPDATE: We are checking the responses we received (over 60) and will post them when we have completed the tally.

Arlington Trails has selected James Haley Park as a possible location for a sustainable, multi-use natural surface temporary bike skills …