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A Temporary Bike Park in James Haley Park? Deadline July 1

[ 10 ] June 20, 2024 |

UPDATE: We are checking the responses we received (over 60) and will post them when we have completed the tally.

Arlington Trails has selected James Haley Park as a possible location for a sustainable, multi-use natural surface temporary bike skills park in Arlington County. This would be the first bikd park/playground in Arlington and is close to both Oakridge Elementary and Gunston schools. It would be built and run by volunteers in partnership with Phoenix Bikes, another youth programming group.

Our civic association would like to hear your thoughts on this proposal by July 1.
 For more information, you could watch the Arlington Trails presentation at our March Membership Meeting.

Apologies for the confusion, can you please fill out the survey and your comments about the possible Bike Skills Park in the survey link above and NOT the comments at the. bottom of the page. (We are trying to collect the information requested in the survey, not just comments.)


Category: Uncategorized

Comments (10)

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  1. Jennifer Frum says:

    Appalling! I and other volunteers have worked for over ten years to make Haley Park into the best possible habitat for our wildlife and plants, not to mention carrying tons of trash from the park and surrounding school grounds. We are supported in these efforts by Arlington County Parks.
    Jennifer Frum

  2. Ann says:

    I don’t think your survey link is working. But this is an awful idea. This is a residential are. Keep the green space. A better use of time is a volunteer day to cleanup, weed and plant in this area!

  3. Rob K says:

    This is a terrible idea. Haley Park is the only purely natural, undisturbed park in the area. Installing a bike park will preempt any other use. Furthermore, there is no parking and very limited access to the park. The neighborhood is already routinely congested with traffic in and out of Oakridge school, this will only exacerbate that as well as adding further congestion on non-school days. The bike club should look for a more suitable location that can be adapted more safely, both for their purposes and for the surrounding area.

  4. Aleks Z. says:

    This seems as an idea that is misplaced for this neighborhood and likely in general. Haley park is the last green place in the surrounding area. In addition to nature preservation, this will affect negativelly so many things including traffic, safety, disturbance and others.

    Pretty bad idea. Biking association should focus on better stuff and focus on trails and bike safety.

    • Kateri Garcia says:

      Apologies for the confusion, can you please fill out the survey and your comments about the possible Bike Skills Park in the survey link below (We are trying to collect the information requested in the survey, not just comments.)

  5. Tom Anderson says:

    A bike park would be a disaster to this lovely neighborhood. What did the transfer of the property to the county require of how it would be cared for and used?

    Just leave this quiet property to have lovely hikes and no noise. That is so needed every day..


  6. K Laird says:

    That’s a terrible idea!

    The foxes, deer, raccoons, opossums, rabbits, and birds rely on the tree and brush cover. We have so little undeveloped green space in S. Arlington. And rain fall that doesn’t soak in goes into the “creek” at the bottom of the steep hill.

    As a resident/home owner, I am completely opposed to converting Haley Park to a bike skills park. ARCA should find a local office building park lot or parking garage (already hard-scaped) and set up ramps and jumps for kids and bikes there. Conserve our green space! And the limited peace and quiet we now have.

  7. Elizabeth Anderson says:

    This could be a major problem depending upon when and how this park would be used for bikes. What days and hours would it be used? Would users bike to the park or bring bikes in their vehicles (autos, trucks etc.)

    What conditions did the Haley’s set when they donated this property to Arlington County?

    Unless the bike park is supervised constantly, it could be a major disruption in this quiet neighborhood. More information is needed.

  8. Madhav Panwar says:


    I support a Temporary Bike Park in James Haley Park.